Approved Horse Shows Sheet
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Other Shows & Events of Interest
When in doubt check ASHBA Competitions page |
Spring Showcase, Judge: Heather Boodey Franklinton, NC
Champion's Center, Springfield, OH
David "Tuffy" Owens
River Ridge Horse Show Judges: Clark Clouse & Allison Deardorff
Ohio Expo Center, Columbus, OH
Barbara Dunham
Dayne Maple
May 9-11
Heartland Classic, Judge: John Warner
Stalls call Rudy Moody
Entries to Patti Schooley
ASHAO Annual Show, Judge: Todd Walker
May 23-25
ICHA Red, White & Blue, Judge: Michael Murphy
Brown County Charity,Judge:
ICHA Triple Point Show, Judge: Joe Brown
June 27-29
Inter-State (IHSA) Triple Point Show, Judge:
July 30 -Aug 2
Dayton Horse Show, Judge: TBA
(Champions Center, Springfield, OH)
Aug 9
Cuyahoga County Fair Horse Show, Judge: TBA
Aug 30-31
Silver Cup, Judge: TBA
Sep 12-14
Randolph Fall Classic |
Judge: TBA |
Academy Judge: |
Oct 17-19
Heartland Fall Spooktacular, Springfield Champions Center
Judge: TBA
Contact Rudy Moody
To earn POINTS toward our year-end high point awards owner and exhibitor (rider or driver) must be ASHAO members prior to any class in which points will be awarded.
Points will NOT be retroactively awarded for shows attended prior to becoming a member.
To get a current Membership Application see the bottom of
most any page for the table of ASHAO PDF Documents.
ASHAO Approved Show Managers: The ASHAO site will post your show bills if you send a digital copy to the webmaster. Most common formats are acceptable: Word, Excel, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Pagemaker or Adobe PDF. If sending a PDF, please make sure your Distiller is set to low resolution.
Email the webmaster for additional information.
ASHAO Member labels for Show Managers
Robertson Equine Sale, Shelbyville, KY |
Kentucky Spring Premier |
Apr 10 - 13
Equine Affaire, Columbus, OH |
Southern Saddlebred Spring Fling, Shelbyville, TN |
Indianapolis Charity |
Syracuse International |
July 7-12
Lexington Jr League Horse Show, Lexington, KY
Aug 16 - 23
KSF/WCHS, Louisville, KY |
All American Horse Classic, Indianapolis, IN |
Kentucky Fall Classic |
Nov 10 - 15
American Royal National Championships, Kansas City, MO |